Someone's There

What if you were with your child all day long and he never even acknowledged your presence. He didn’t speak to you or even look at you, yet you still followed him everywhere—into every room, down to the mailbox, into the shower, outside to play. You were there all day long, right there beside him, wanting to talk to him and longing to relate with him but he was totally oblivious to you. However, once in awhile he would speak to you—sometimes at night or when he was very distraught; yet, when he talked, he spoke very formally and distantly, as if you hadn't been there all along and you were just now coming in to hear him. Then, after speaking to you, he would go back to pretending you weren't there, not even bothering to listen to you or linger in your presence. 

Footprints on a sandy beach

That would be strange wouldn't it?

It wouldn't make for a very good relationship. And it would probably hurt your feelings a little, too.

Well this is how most of us approach our relationship with God.

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. That just means talking to God all throughout the day. He's right there. He wants us to speak with Him as we go about our day. Jesus says He will be with us always.

Sometimes we forget how real that is. I think if we ask God to help us be mindful of His presence, asking Him to give us an awareness of Him, He will. It should probably begin with a confession that we have been ignoring Him, pretending like He wasn't even in the room with us.

Having a continual conversation with God helps us become more aware of how He wants to lead us each day. It's a great blessing to begin a life long habit of talking to God. I know how often I can get off track with my attitude, my choices, and how I spend my time. However, during the times when I'm acutely aware of Him, chatting with Him throughout the day, not only does it bring me more peace, I also have a heightened awareness of those "red flags" in both my attitudes and decisions. I am more sensitive to the Spirit of God.

I am fully aware that Someone's there.

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:10 

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When We Are Weary


Listen for His Voice