Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner
Because these precious days should be preserved.
The Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner is much more than a planner.
It’s a living book and a mentor. A place to reflect and be renewed, to recommit each week to living for the Lord. It’s a record of your daily life, your adventures, your family history, and all God has done through you and for you.
Each month begins with:
A page for goal setting and the year’s verse
A space for proposed field trips
A space for read aloud books
A space for your own personal book list
Month at a glance
Space to write down the month’s goals
Everything you need to stay on track, renew your vision, and refresh your spirit.
Following the month at a glance page, there are four one week spreads with:
A Bible verse
A related Charlotte Mason quote
Homeschool tips and words of encouragement
A personal to do list
A homeschool to do list
Water color boxes to record the week’s: nature study focus, habit focus, prayer focus, self care focus, and read aloud
A place for notes
At the end of each month you’ll have a special place to reflect and record the meaningful moments, answered prayers, the best discoveries, favorite books, and more.
“Let them once get in touch with nature and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life.”
— Charlotte Mason
Dated has month, but not year or day written in. Undated has no month, day, or year written in. The dated planner has seasonal images for fall, winter, spring and summer.
If you start school through summer or don’t follow a traditional August-May school year, you may prefer the undated.