Culture & Craft
An Enrichment Curriculum for the Whole Family
Culture & Craft is designed to give your children a superior education, adding to their learning the culture and crafting that was once a staple in every educated person’s experience.
This easy-to-use curriculum will provide your children with a full year of fascinating knowledge and fun activities to engage with:
Master Painters
Picture Study
Brilliant Poets
Inspired Composers
Classical Music
Nature Study
Nature Journaling
Watercolor Tutorials
Art Projects
Habits and manners
Folk Songs
Classic Hymns
Volume 1 Covers: Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Emily Dickinson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Beethoven, Flower and Bird Anatomy and Watercolor Tutorials, 2 Folk Songs, 2 Classic Hymns, Table Settings and Table Manners, Art Projects, Handicrafts (Plant Press, Hiking Stick, Ice Cream Making, Tie-Dye, Herb Garden)
This curriculum is designed to be enjoyed by all ages. Obviously, your 5-year-old will need help and may not comprehend as much as your 15-year-old. Your younger child will need more help and supervision with some of the activities, but everybody will enjoy the learning and activities together.
The teaching activities are perfect for morning time and the actual arts and crafts can be saved for after lunch or another day during the week. Ultimately, it will depend on your particular family and how dedicated you are to traditional schooling. If you feel the three R’s are of utmost importance, then save the Culture & Craft activities for afternoon. If you are free in your mindset from traditional strictures and structures, you can dedicate the first part of the day to C&C learning and projects.
Definitely not. If you are in the mood to study a hymn rather than doing an art project, you can skip to the Hymn study. I encourage you to do them in whatever order works best for your family that week.
Yes. Each volume will come with its own supplies list on Amazon. You can access the list for Volume 1 by clicking this link.
This Amazon List is an affiliate link. If you choose to purchase after clicking this link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
If we were to suddenly transport ourselves to life in 1901, with no cars, no phones, no technology, no access to sports, classes, museums, online tutorials, and extracurricular activities, it would be absolutely reasonable to expect our children to engage with all these elevated cultural works, ideas, and practices every week. In this time of extraordinary pressure, educational and social, Culture & Craft gives you the opportunity to incorporate the beauty of the Charlotte Mason model without the pressure and feelings of inadequacy that come from not measuring up to, what is for most people in today’s world, an impossible standard.
Yes, this enrichment curriculum is, as much as possible, focused on the Lord and much of the teaching and the activities honor the faith of the creators of these great works. Not every single lesson is Christ centered, but it could not be counted as a secular curriculum.
The things that capture their interests may very well become lifelong joys.
-Jeannie Fulbright