The Great Homeschool Distraction

There's a quote that says, “If Satan can’t tempt us with destruction, he’ll tempt us with distraction.” How true for the homeschool mom! 

Our enemy tempts us to veer off God’s perfect path by distracting us with a plethora of “good” things: things that seem beneficial, things that seem profitable, things that even seem necessary. 

Things that may even have the appearance of godliness, but in reality, are just distractions.

We have all been given a specific course, a unique path to pursue in both walking with God and in accomplishing His will for our lives. 


God’s Word tells us,

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

God created each of us with great intentionality and care. He thought about who we would be and placed in us gifts, talents, and abilities that would equip us to walk in the good works He planned and prepared for us to accomplish.

But like Paul, we need a single-minded focus as we pursue God’s path for our lives. We need to anticipate and throw off the many and varied distractions that threaten and hinder our ability to run faithfully.

“Let us throw off everything that hinders us from running with perseverance the course marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1 

This course, this path we’re called to run, looks different for each homeschool mom, for each child, and for each family. 

And I believe the greatest distraction to fulfilling God’s unique plan for our homeschool is comparison.


We look at other families who seem put together and “successful” and we feel discontent that our family isn’t as good as theirs. We observe homeschool children in our support group thriving in ways ours aren’t and we’re thrown into a pit of fear and discouragement. We witness other homeschool moms with more energy and who are better organized and we battle self-doubt.

This constant comparing is a distraction, robbing us of the vision we were so excited about when we began the homeschool journey. It divides our focus and keeps us from the abundant and beautiful fruit God has for our lives, for our children’s lives, and for our homeschool. 

Take a minute to think about the things that are distracting you right now. Is comparison one of them? God’s word tells us that when we compare ourselves with others, we are without understanding.

“…But they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12

Comparison steals our focus and our energy.

It hijacks the precious hours of our homeschool days. 

It keeps us from the joy and peace God offers us.

Comparison is not wise.


Spend some time alone with God, asking Him to reveal ways comparison has distracted you from His purposes and plans for you and your family.

Ask God to give you a greater vision for what He has designed your homeschool to be. Ask Him to show you the specific and best path of learning that’s right for your children. Write down what God reveals to you. It won’t look like anyone else’s path.  

It’s not supposed to.

The deep peace, joy, and satisfaction we long for come when we fix our eyes firmly on Jesus and run with endurance the specific and special race He's marked out for us and us alone.

To help you plan, live out, and treasure these precious homeschool days and years, I've created the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner. It will guide and mentor you in the Lord and in the mindset needed to faithfully run your race undistracted and well.


What Happens When You Draw Near to God


Prioritizing Devotions with Our Children