Removing the Rocks in Our Homeschool Path
It wasn’t long into our homeschool experience that I encountered what seemed like an immovable boulder blocking our way forward. Garnering my abundance of first year homeschool energy and excitement, we found a way around it. And just as we began skipping along our merry way, another boulder came tumbling toward us.
And then another.
A few boulders later, I realized something significant: we are on a path, a narrow path, in this homeschool journey. As with any path—even seemingly perfect paths—there are places where the road is smooth, beautiful, and filled with exultation.
In other places, however, rocks clutter our path and need removing before we can continue the journey.
There are many things that represent rocks in the road and each family has its own unique collection.
These rocks come in the form of negative attitudes that creep up on us and our children unaware. Sometimes they’re sinful behaviors that must be addressed and placed before God for complete removal. Other times they’re fears and worries that need to be cast on the Lord.
When we have everything all planned out for our day or week, these interruptions can seem overwhelmingly burdensome. Yet, we must see them as part of God’s good plan for the path we walk. We must stop what we’re doing and address issues that come up in our family.
I once found the morning interrupted with a long overdue “talk” with one of my children who had been ever so stealthily walking the wrong path in his heart—toward his siblings, chores, parents, school, bedtime, and who knows what else.
That rock needed to be cleared. It was necessary to stop and remove the blockade that threatened to steal our precious homeschool hours and family unity.
Homeschooling is such an incredible experience, but it is not without obstacles. Yet when we run into these obstacles, we should not become discouraged but see them as opportunities.
They have the potential to mature us and our children, and draw us closer to the Lord.
God encourages us when He says,
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I Peter 1:6
The path you are on today may be strewn with rocks of all sizes, but it is only for a little while—and for a purpose. Don’t give up because of it. Allow the Lord to guide you in removing the rocks that you have encountered during this part of your journey.
And cut through and make firm and plain and smooth, straight paths for your feet [yes, make them safe and upright and happy paths that go in the right direction], so that the lame and halting [limbs] may not be put out of joint, but rather may be cured. Hebrews 12:13
Be encouraged in this effort for it is God Himself—through His Spirit and our faith in Him to do it—Who will level those paths.