Medieval History Living Book List
A Castle with Many Rooms
Adam of the Road
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Beorn the Proud
Beowulf the Warrior by Ian Serrallier
Big John’s Secret
The Black Arrow
The Boy Knight
Castles of the World Coloring Book
Crispin: the Cross of Lead
He Went With Marco Polo, Louise A. Kent
Imagination Station: Voyage With the Vikings
Imagination Station: Hunt for Devil’s Dragon
Imagination Station: Peril in the Palace
Imagination Station: Revenge of the Red Knight
In Freedom’s Cause
The Ministrel in the Tower
Hail of the Arrows
My Story: Bloody Tower
My Story: The Great Plague
My Story: Viking Blood
Red Falcon’s of Tremoine
The Brethren
The Door in the Wall
The Goose Girl, by Jacob Grimm
The Hidden Treasure of Glaston
The Little Duke, by Charlotte Mary Yonge
The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow
The Sword in the Tree
The Whipping Boy
To Dream Upon a Crown, by Joanne Williamson
Who Was Genghis Khan?
Who Was Joan of Arc?
Who Was Leif Erikson
Who Was Marco Polo?